
SALLY ROONEY | Beautiful World Where Are You | Questions & Their Answers

Beautiful World Where Are You | SALLY ROONEY

Beautiful World Where Are You is a novel by Irish novelist Sally Rooney. It was published in 2021. It has won Goodreads Choice Award for Fiction (2021), Irish Book Awards for Eason novel (2021) and Rathbones Folio Prize Nominee for Longlist (2022).

The meaning of life remains the same always – just to live and be with other people.

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

सखी, अभी अभी sALLY ROONEY की Beautiful World Where Are You खत्म की है।

अच्छा उपन्यास है। बहुत अच्छा है। बहुत दिनों बाद कुछ हल्का पढ़ा है। जो बोझिल नहीं लगता। साफ पानी में गोते जैसा। जिसमें बहे जाना अच्छा लग रहा है। उनके पात्र वैसे ही हैं जैसे हम लोग हैं। अपने में उलझे, जीवन से सवाल करते हुए, अच्छे बुरे के बारे में, रोज़मर्रा की politics, दोस्ती, परिवार से जूझते हुए। Career और पैसे की जलन और उलझनों के बीच एक सुंदर संसार का सपना लिए।

और उस सबके बीच इतना सुंदर लेखन। पता ये लेखन दंभी नहीं है। Message देने का घमंड नहीं है। बस एक आम सी कहानी में लिखा हुआ उपन्यास। मतलब पढ़ते हुए ये भी नहीं लगा कि कोई कहानी सुना रहा है या मैं पढ़ रहा हूँ। बस ये कि कुछ घट रहा है। सारे पात्र मेरे आस पास के हैं, या फिर मैं खुद को सबमे बंटा हुआ पा रहा था। ये सब मेरे साथ घटा है, और घट रहा है और इस सबके बीच मैं भी तो वही तलाश रहा हूँ जो ये।

They looked at one another. It was too dark for either of them to glean much information from the other’s face, and yet they kept looking, and did not break off, as if the act of looking was more important than what they could see.

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

आपसी खिंचाव, उलझने, लड़ाई, जलन, ताने, प्रेम के शब्द सब मेरे भीतर रहते ही हैं न हमेशा? उन्हें Sally Rooney के पात्रों के मुंह से पढ़कर बहुत अच्छा लगा। ऐसा लगा कि अकेला नहीं हूँ।

जो मुख्य पात्र हैं वो एक दूसरे से email में बात करते हैं जिसमें वो दुनिया भर की चीजों के बारे में discussion करते हैं। Politics, beauty, god, Marxism, Bronze Age और उसके बीच मे अपने होने के अर्थ को तलाशते। आज की दुनिया के लेंस से। और लगा कि कबसे ये बातें हम भी तो करते हैं। ऐसी ही। सच कहूँ तो बहुत अच्छा लगा।

एक जगह पर एक पात्र कहता है कि –

Maybe we’re just born to love and worry about the people we know, and to go on llvoing and worrying even when there are more important things we should be doing. And if that means the human species is going to die out, isn’t it in a way a nice reason to die out, the nicest reason you can imagine?

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

और मुझे लगा कि इससे सुंदर और सरल कारण क्या होगा। ये लिखने के लिए Sally को शुक्रिया कहा मन ही मन।

जब उपन्यास खत्म हुआ तो बहुत देर तक मैं किताब के कवर पर हाथ फेरता रहा। टाइटल के उभरे हुए अक्षरों को छूते हुए भीतर ही भीतर उन पात्रों के हाथों को टटोलने की कोशिश करता रहा। पिछले 3 दिन से जबसे उनके साथ था बहुत अच्छा लग रहा था और अब कहानी का आखिरी पन्ना पढ़ते ही लगा कि साथ यही तक था। और ये बहुत अच्छा साथ था। अंत आते आते सब इतना विस्फोटक हो जाता है और उसका pressure जितना पात्र महसूस करते हैं उतना ही मैं भी। जो आपसी तनाव प्रेम के कारण उत्पन्न होता है उसके कारण आपसी मतभेद होते हैं वो जीकर लगा कि उफ़्फ़ ये…

SALLY ROONEY ने बहुत सुंदर ढंग से हमारे भीतर को आज की दुनिए के सामने रखा है। बहुत अच्छी कहानी है। तुम्हें बहुत पसंद आएगी, पढ़ना।

Also: If On A Winter’s Night a Traveller | Italo Calvino

Also: Letters To Felice | Franz Kafka

Also: John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men | Innocence | EkChaupal

Everyone is understandably attached to particular identity categories, but at the same time largely unwilling to articulate what those categories consist of, how they came about, and what purpose they serve.

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

But looking at the internet, I don’t see many ideas worth dying for.

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

Really my problem is that I’m annoyed at everyone else for not having all the answers when I also have none.

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

Isn’t death just the apocalypse in the first person?

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

Because we loved each other too much and found each other too interesting. And I love that about humanity and in fact, it’s the very reason I root for us to survive- because we are so stupid about each other.

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

Maybe to weep and prostrate ourselves with genuine sincerity is the hardest thing we could ever learn how to do.

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

I feel so frightened of being hurt – not of the suffering, which I know I can handle, but the indignity of suffering, the indignity of being open to it.

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

If God wanted me to give you up, he wouldn’t have made me who I am.

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

And in that way even the bad days were good because I felt them and remembered feeling them. There was something delicate about living like that- like I was an instrument and the world touched me and reverberated inside me.

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

Personally, I often find people beautiful to look at without feeling any inclination to draw them into a particular relationship with myself – in fact, I don’t find the beauty that much of an inducement to desire anyway.

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

It’s still better to love something than nothing, better to love someone than no one, and I’m here, living in the world, not wishing for a moment that I wasn’t. Isn’t that in its own way a special gift, a blessing, something very important?

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

In a funny way maybe it’s not important to get along, and more important just to love each other anyway.

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

And I want that – to prove that the most ordinary thing about human beings is not violence or greed but love and care.

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY

Most of our attempts throughout human history to describe the difference between right and wrong have been feeble and cruel and unjust, but the difference still remains 0 beyond ourselves, beyond each specific culture, beyond every individual person who has ever lived or died. And we spend our lives trying to know that difference and to live by it, trying to love other people instead of hating them, and there is nothing else that matters on the earth.

Beautiful World Where Are You | sALLY ROONEY